asked questions

When will my accounts be “one click ready”?

With Exus, we take pride in the quality of our accounts. We can offer these at the lowest price on the market, as well as being one of the highest quality providers! Most of the time, in just a couple hours, if not instant you will see a 0.9 score, then v2 invis shortly after to follow, all for a fraction of the competition price. This is why Exus is game changing.

Do you offer Groupbuys?

If you or your group would like a Groupbuy, please have a staff member fill this form out and we will reach out to you personally when we are ready for that sale. Our Groupbuys provide members with an exclusive discount depending on demand. Feel free to reach out!

How do I access my accounts?

All accounts can be accessed by your dashboard. From there, you can download a text file of your accounts, copy them, or customize your list!

Do you offer a warranty on your accounts?

All our accounts are backed by a 30 day buyer protection warranty. With our premium accounts, you will have no worries. In the rare occasion you have an issue with your accounts, please join our Discord and open a ticket, we will be happy to help ! 😄

I would like to place a bulk order, how do I get started?

If you would like to place a bulk order for any of our accounts, please open a ticket in our Discord and we will be happy to help! We can offer bulk on all of our products, with special pricing depending on the number you need.

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